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1 January 2003 Sweet Corn (Zea mays) Cultivar Sensitivity to AE F130360
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Eight sweet corn cultivars were evaluated for tolerance to AE F130360 in five field experiments conducted over 2 yr in Ontario. AE F130360 was applied postemergence at 70 and 140 g ai/ha, the latter rate representing a spray overlap in the field. Response to AE F130360 varied with respect to sweet corn cultivar and herbicide rate. Minimal crop injury was observed in seven of the eight cultivars. One cultivar, ‘DelMonte 2038’, was extremely sensitive, showing 94% or more injury for all site-years. Plant height of most cultivars was not negatively affected by AE F130360 treatments, with the exception of DelMonte 2038, which sustained height reductions of 78% or greater compared with the untreated control. The crop injury and height reductions that were observed in DelMonte 2038 were reflected in the marketable yields, which were reduced by 92% or more as a result of the AE F130360 treatments. Marketable yields also tended to be reduced in ‘Calico Belle’ and ‘Rival’. On the basis of marketable yields, it was concluded that ‘CNS 710’, ‘GG 222’, ‘GG 246’, ‘GH 2684’, and ‘Reveille’ have full tolerance to AE F130360, Calico Belle and Rival tend to have moderate tolerance, and DelMonte 2038 has zero tolerance to AE F130360.

Nomenclature: AE F130360 (proposed common name, foramsulfuron), N,N-dimethyl-2-[3-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)ureidosulfonyl]-4-formylaminobenzamide; sweet corn, Zea mays L.

Additional index words: Cultivar, herbicide injury, sensitivity, sulfonylurea.

Abbreviations: DAT, days after treatment; POST, postemergence; SAS, Statistical Analysis Systems; SU, sulfonylurea.

SHANE DIEBOLD, DARREN ROBINSON, JOHN ZANDSTRA, JOHN O'SULLIVAN, and PETER SIKKEMA "Sweet Corn (Zea mays) Cultivar Sensitivity to AE F130360," Weed Technology 17(1), 127-132, (1 January 2003).[0127:SCZMCS]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 January 2003
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